You have created a nice blog, all beautiful brand new? Perfect ! I imagine that, like many bloggers, you write regularly. One article per week, two, three? Excellent ! Now, writing for the web is one thing. But how many readers are there? Fortunately, I am here to explain to you how to know the audience of a website. Better, I will also explain to you how to know the traffic of the competitors. Let's go ! Use Google Analytics to know the traffic of your site Simple thing and yet, I find very little in my students: install Google Analytics on his blog.
Because we are talking about a very powerful tool to help you with your marketing and natural referencing strategy , do you know? Once connected to your dashboard , you will have an overview of all your statistics and number of visits over the France Phone Number last 30 days (or more). Come on, I'll just explain to you how it works ! How do visitors behave on your site? The advantage of Google Analytics is that it pushes the analysis far enough, to the point that you will be able to consult a whole lot of data. To do this, go to Audience Overview.
Here do not focus too much on the number of sessions, but rather on the number of unique visitors (ie: a unique visitor is a new visitor). This page also allows you to know the behavior of visitors to your WordPress blog for example, namely the number of pages viewed or consulted per session , the average duration of each visit or the bounce rate. And thanks to your Google from, thanks to demographic and geographical data . Who are they ? directly or clicked on a link that points to your site (this is also called referral traffic ) Social : users from social networks.