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What are The Changes in Influencer Marketing from PR Strategy to Media Strategy?









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發表於 2023-3-22 23:21:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
You may want to know why Influencer Marketing is currently being given importance. Also, why it should included in long-term media strategy! Previously, different forms of advertisements and marketing strategies worked to promote a business. But things have changed recently especially with the advent of social media platforms. There have arisen a large number of people with a huge fan following in their niche domain. They are termed to be influencers. They are rather those who have been churning out beautifully crafted content exclusively for brands. Thus, they support brands to communicate easily and effectively with mainstream media. It includes positive spin, sound bites, press releases, etc.

Related Post: 10 Ways to Influencer Marketing can help for Your Business Reaching Target Audience This type of marketing presently is said to have a greater clout. The reason is because it tends to target individual customer categories like for example, moms, men and millennial. It also helps Japan Email List drive revenue. Besides producing media content, they also directly engage with end consumers. Thus, they play a vital role to help brands connect with their target customers quickly and efficiently. Reasons for their popularity 1. Influencers have become expert communicators: Influencers, these days are considered to be excellent communication channels. They offer value service and assure sales against payment. They help brands to have a better and more effective Online Presence, thus boosting revenue.

Initially, this form or marketing was unpaid as people considered it as PR-focused and not media-focused. However, with time, each influencer is termed to be a popular media channel that has to be adequately compensated 2. Changed tremendously: In its nascent stage, this form of marketing was regarded to be more of a public relations exercise. Back in 2006, Winfrey was a great influencer in the U.S. She hosted ‘Oprah Winfrey Show’. She distributed about 276 Pontiac cars to her studio audience members but did not get any payment for her endorsement. The car brand did increase sales. But things have changed as of now where influencers are paid huge to promote brands, be it small or big. This is indeed a part of Digital marketing.


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