This is unacceptable, so pay attention to these importantpoints: Validity of HTML, CSS and JS code. If the site layout is incorrect,elements may not be displayed correctly, and the functionality will not work orwork intermittently. You can check the validity of HTML using the , CSS - , JS Website loading speed. We have adetailed article about what download speed is considered optimal, what tools touse to measure it and how to increase it . Server response : existing pagesreturn code 200, non-existent - 404. Be sure to create a 404 page designed inthe site design, indicating the reason for the error and links to the main orkey sections.
Content Content is what users come to the site for, sointeracting Armenia Email List with it should be convenient. Check if everything is ok: Headingsare clear and meaningful, there is no ambiguity or understatement. Thepresentation style is understandable to the target audience. For example, if youare writing for a wide range of users, then using a lot of technicalterminology is undesirable. Conversely, professionals are unlikely to like itif you explain the obvious and replace terms with “understandable” words. Thetext is formatted: there are subheadings, highlighting important points in boldor contrasting font, sidebars with important thoughts, and, if necessary,lists, illustrations and tables.
All this improves the user experience. An example of asuccessful recipe design on the Vkusvill website. The site content is designedin a single style - this applies to colors, fonts, menu layout and othercross-cutting blocks on the page. It shouldn’t be the case that categories aredesigned in one style, product pages in another, and the cart in a third. Itmay seem to the user that he has moved to another site. Clear anchors in links(and in non-anchor links, use explanatory text around the link). We wrote aboutthe difference between anchor and non-anchor links here . Not the best exampleof the design of anchor links: they are of different colors, sizes and standout from the main text.