Always tell your product / service from the customer's point of view. Use a simple language and possibly address your target by giving him "you". Use technicalities only if they are necessary and still explain the more difficult terms. SHOW THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR CUSTOMER Answer the question Why would your prospect buy the product / service? Remember there are benefits, not features. Clearly present the actual customer benefits. Analyze the individual benefits with a title and a paragraph for each you will take more time to communicate with your target and you will enjoy more advantages for seo positioning.
Of course you need to know that you photo retouching service can fulfill all promises! CLEARLY STATED TO WHOM THE PRODUCT / SERVICE IS ADDRESSED Smartwatches all perform more or less the same functions, but some have features that are more suitable for sportsmen and others are more suitable for teenagers. Explaining to whom your product / service is aimed reassures the user and will prevent non-target people from buying and then being dissatisfied and posting a negative review. ANTICIPATE RESPONSES TO POSSIBLE OBJECTIONS OR QUESTIONS The purchase decision is rarely impulsive and more and more people want to be certain and have no doubts when buying, but they will hardly contact you to resolve these doubts.
It may be useful to anticipate them in a section dedicated to the FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ) imagine all the doubts, questions and uncertainties that our potential customers may have and give an exhaustive and convincing answer. Keep this section up to date with questions your real customers will actually ask you. REPORT REVIEWS OR TESTIMONIALS TO PROVE YOUR WORTH Social proof is now fundamental. Report the ratings of your current customers or the reviews obtained on the platforms. preferably accompanied by photos, name and surname. Users must be able to identify with the testimonials their satisfaction is the best proof of the benefits of your product / service.