The advantage of this choice is undoubtedly linked to the authoritativeness that the article will have in the eyes of the readers, since the source of the information contained in the text is the same expert. Then there are cases in which consulting a specialist is even more fundamental, for example when the news requires those who want to deal with it.
A method that we happen to adopt very often in the preparation of InSalute articles, the UniSalute blog, an editorial project that we brought into the world in 2016 and which, in dispensing information on prevention and healthy Japan phone number list lifestyles, aims to sell the health policies offered by the well-known insurance company. A useful example is one of the first articles that the blog dedicated to the topic of vaccines to combat Covid-19, in which the author of the article interviewed Dr. Fausto Francia, epidemiologist, specialist in hygiene and medicine to deal with the issue preventive, Medical Director of the Dyadea Surgical Diagnostic Center and Member of the Scientific Committee of UniSalute.
But what is a Scientific Committee and what is its function? There are several ways to use an interview in an editorial project in the health sector. In particular, three opportunities can be identified: insert the interview in the article with quotation marks explaining the professional's position with respect to the points covered; publish a classic interview with direct questions and answers; relying on a team of specialists (a Scientific Committee, for example) in which the experts send content, sign and approve the articles which are actually written by ghostwriters.