A arrives to accompany companies in their transformation to Data-Driven With this new service unit, Telefónica will cover the Big Data needs of all types of companies and organizations. LUCA will be a key piece in understanding and extracting the greatest value from the use of data and in the adaptation of infrastructures and the use of tools. Data is the most reliable and accurate source of information we have today. Its correct channeling and management on a large scale can offer immeasurable advantages to today's society, and that is why the term Big Data begins to be increasingly present in the daily life of thest century.
The application of this system is an incredibly useful tool in hundreds of areas ranging from marketing to the capture of terrorists. Due to this revolution, companies are being forced to evolve to become Data-Driven companies. Telefónica improves its cloud and advances towards digital transformation The alliance between Telefónica and VMware is official and will mobile number list serve to improve the Virtual Data Center, a Cloud IaaS service that contributes to digitization. Cloud computing , that fashionable concept as far as Internet business is concerned, is in luck. Telefónica's Virtual DATA Center solution , which is part of the so-called Infrastructure as a Service is appropriate for multinational customers who need infrastructure services, or who find themselves in need of hybridizing their private clouds.

Cloud computing aims to archive all our information on the network, so that it is accessible to anyone without the need for them to have a large storage capacity. Specifically, the IaaS service tries to avoid the expense of physical servers and offers resources that can be rented for as long as needed. Great deceptions and successes of Spanish companies For centuries, it seems that picaresque has been in the Spanish DNA, as one of the great works of Hispanic literature masterfully illustrates: “El Lazarillo de Tormes”. After that, there are innumerable events that indicate that yes, that something of this is representative of the Spanish nationality. is light or dark, and we also have great cases of entrepreneurship based on strong principles that are far from deceit or fraud.