Men shaking hands The task of IT consulting is to supportthe client in best preparation for the implementation of the project, and notto sell implementation works through his company. Of course - if we use an honestand trustworthy partner. And from a purely business perspective, IT consultingwill definitely reduce the riskproject failure, failure to meet the assumedbudget or deadline, and will also increase the chances of its real impact onthe company. And we will simply be more confident that everything will besuccessful.
What does IT consulting look like? IT consulting at thebeginning last database of the project can take many forms: adhoc consultations - theconsultant is invited to several meetings to share his opinions and comment onthe materials developed in the meantime Expert opinions - preparing an analysisof the problem and presenting possible solutions The entire pre-implementationanalysis process - it is worth reading our article on this topic An audit thatthe consultant conducts and shares his observations with decision-makers Aworkshop where representatives of the company and the IT company come togetherand work together to develop the best solution for the client.
A broadly understood UX process, i.e. a set of research,workshops, tests and design to listen to the voice of customers, business andthe market. And these are certainly not all the possibilities. A big advantageof IT consulting is its high adaptability and many services/techniques to supportthe process, including: Design Thinking Event Storming Eye Tracking CustomerJourney Planning Value Proposition Design Is it worth using IT consulting? Inmy opinion, definitely yes. In addition to the cost of such a service, we alsohave benefits that are worth many times more and, above all, increase thechances of project success.